La Breas Eoin Macken Says Season 3 Series Finale Is "Nutty" and "Awesome"

October 2024 · 12 minute read

[Editor's note: The following contains some spoilers for Season 3 of La Brea.]

The Big Picture

From creator David Appelbaum, the final season of the NBC series La Brea will finally let fans of the series know who will make it out of the primeval land they’ve been stuck in since a massive sinkhole opened in Los Angeles and pulled them into it. Season 3 sees Gavin Harris (Eoin Macken) trying yet again to reunite his family so they can return home together, Lucas (Josh McKenzie) and Veronica (Lily Santiago) are trying to figure out how they want to handle impending parenthood, and the survivors of the most recent dinosaur attack are working to get along with the villagers at the fort. As audiences get the reveals and answers they’ve been waiting for, there are any number of twists and turns left for these characters, and no one’s safety is guaranteed.

After watching the first half of the season, which is only six episodes in total, Collider got the opportunity to chat with Macken about how much he actually knew about each season ahead of time, feeling a bit melancholic about leaving this character behind, the satisfying journey of the final season, why they had a blast shooting the finale, how surreal it is to shoot scenes with dinosaurs that aren’t really there, what’s driving Gavin this season, and why he never directed an episode of the series.

La Brea
TV-14 Sci-FiDramaMystery

When a massive sinkhole opens in L.A., the Harris family is split in two. Eve and her son are sent to a mysterious world. Gavin discovers that his visions may hold the key to bringing them home.

Release Date September 28, 2021 Creator David Appelbaum Cast Natalie Zea , Jon Seda , Chiké Okonkwo , Eoin Macken , Jack Martin , Veronica St. Clair Seasons 3 Streaming Service(s) Peacock

Collider: Did you know from the start of Season 3 that this would be the last season? Were you given the full rundown of what would happen?

EOIN MACKEN: (Show creator) David Appelbaum has always been very giving and kind and communicative about where he wanted the show and the characters to go, but at the same time, I also never really had any idea what was gonna happen because there’s so much crazy stuff that happens. What was most exciting about this season was that because we knew it was gonna be the last season, they were able to build it towards a finale that they wanted. I don’t think you get that with a lot of shows. Sometimes the show suddenly abruptly ends, or it doesn’t end, so it was nice to be able to talk about and actually finish a show that way. It was heightened and pushed forward because of the strike, so there was a multitude of different reasons as to why it happened, but once it did happen that way, they adapted, and I think they adapted really well. It became about, “If this is what this is gonna be, then we can do an ending in a really strong way and tie everything together in a way that’s satisfactory, but also really cool and different.” They just made everything bigger. It was the last season due to mitigating factors, but it actually really worked very well for what the characters in the show needed.

When you did find out the ending of the series and where things would be left for your character and his family, what was your reaction? Were you surprised? Were you satisfied? How did you feel about where you leave him?

MACKEN: I was a little bit melancholic at first because I really became quite attached to this character. Knowing where it was gonna finish, it felt like they finished a really interesting journey, but then, once you get to that point, you also feel like there’s more to go. There’s a certain element of La Brea where Season 3 feels very secure in itself, as a show and with the characters, so it almost feels a little bit sad to end it like this. But at the same time, the way it ends feels correct. From Gavin Harris’ point of view, the journey he went on feels very satisfying. We got to do 30 episodes, over the course of it. When I look back from where he was in Season 1, episode one, it feels like he had a proper arc, all the way through. So, I feel satisfied and melancholic, at the same time.

Eoin Macken Says the Final Three Episodes of 'LaBrea' Are His Favorite of the Series

If anyone had told you on day one that this is where it would all end up, how would you have reacted then?

MACKEN: I wouldn’t have believed you. I would have been like, “That makes no sense. No chance.” The final three [episodes] are nutty, but they’re also awesome. They’re my favorite three of the whole show, and it coalesces in a super fun way. It’s great.

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Creator David Appelbaum also talks about how Season 3 is packed with twists, turns and answers that will satisfy fans.

What was it like to shoot the series finale? Were you guys all embracing the fact that it was the end of the series, or were you all in denial?

MACKEN: We actually had a blast. They did this massive episode and really went for it. There was a certain freedom with what we did because we had to be finished in time for the strike, so they tried to just create a really big episode that was so much fun. We knew everyone was trying their hardest to really pull the last bit of juice out of the characters and the moment. We just had an absolute blast. It was only when I actually finished that you went, “Ah, fuck, that’s it.” But during it, we had the best time. It was like the last day of summer camp and everyone was having a great time. We knew we were creating a really interesting episode and the crew and the cast just went for it. It was this big, extravagant bonanza of chaos and it was just so much fun.

The last day of filming on a project can be very anti-climactic, if not everyone is finishing on the same day. What was your actual last day of the shoot like?

MACKEN: Funny enough, because of the timing of when it ended, we had our wrap on Saturday, and a lot of us had finished on that Friday, including myself, Jon Seda and Zyra Gorecki. We had some big finale stuff for all the characters together, and some people finished that day. So, it was all over a two or three day period, and it was a blast. And then, we had a big wrap party. For all the crew and cast who had been working on this for three years in Australia, they did a really nice job of trying to have everyone finish on the same day or two, so that it wasn’t so spread out and we could finish together because we’d all been on this journey together for so long. It wasn’t like other shows, where some people finish and you get gone. We all finished on the same couple of days, which made it super fun. We were very lucky.

With everything that these characters, and more specifically this family, have been through, how many times during the making of this show did you wonder if your character was just ever going to catch a break?

MACKEN: Never. Honestly, I thought that the family was just completely screwed. Something zany would happen and it was like, “These guys are never, ever gonna catch a break.” But thankfully, they just about do. There are some bad breaks too. Not everyone makes it out alive. I have all these fun videos of when we all finished, so I’ll have to post them. We got lucky with how we managed to finish it. When you do a show with people that you really care about and it’s really fun, and then you get to end it that way, you really appreciate it.

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If these people do make it back home, how will they even go back to living regular lives after all of this? Will they need lots of therapy and support groups? How do you live a normal life after an experience like this?

MACKEN: They’ll probably get loyalty passes to the National History Museum. They’ll become paleontologists, like in Jurassic Park. I think they will struggle a little bit with the lack of adrenaline, or maybe they’ll appreciate having some Oreos and a cup of coffee and every shower will feel amazing.

Compared to all the other weird things you’ve had to react to that weren’t there, what was it like to shoot scenes with dinosaurs this season? When you have dinosaurs attacking from the ground and from the sky, do you feel like an expert reacting to and running from things that aren’t really there, at this point?

MACKEN: Yes, I do. Sometimes they did have these guys with big cardboard cutouts of creatures. It’s only when you see the visual effects afterwards that you realize they did an amazing job and you’re like, “Okay, that’s cool.” But at the time, you’re just using your imagination and trusting the process.

Was there a particularly weird or surreal moment that you thought you might not actually be able to pull off?

MACKEN: There is a chase in a Jeep with a T-Rex and that whole sequence, we were like, “What the fuck is happening? This is nuts.” And it was super fun. We were like, “What is going on? This is chaos.” It was amazing.

When you learned that you would leave Season 2 with Eve going through a portal that could have sent her anywhere, how did you feel about having her and Gavin separated again in Season 3? Is that what’s driving him this season?

MACKEN: Yeah, I think it is. It’s almost exhausting for him to keep trying to get her back. With the relationship with Gavin and his kids, Josh and Izzy, you’ve seen them grow up and become really integral to what his journey is. They’re all trying to get Eve back, which is the most important thing, but at the same time, that can’t be achieved by sacrificing the rest of the group or his kids. There’s a bit more of a balance to it.

Eoin Macken Says 'La Brea' Has Some Really Cool Character Arcs in Season 3

Since starting this series, there has been a lot of character evolution with everyone and they’ve all taken on different roles. Which dynamic has been the most unexpected and surprising for you? Who would you have never expected your character would form a friendship or a bond with, but you’ve really enjoyed getting to explore that?

MACKEN: From a personal level, I’m a huge fan of Josh McKenzie, who plays Lucas, and his work. I think he’s wonderfully talented, and there’s some cool stuff that happens in this season with those two characters, which was unexpected. And I always go back to Zyra and where her character goes. Working with her, as an actress, and seeing her growth, as a person and an actress, was one of the most enjoyable things for me. I feel both very protective and privileged to get to work with her. That became a huge part of what the show was for Gavin, that relationship with his daughter. There are some really cool arcs in Season 3.

After getting to know these characters in the time period that they’re in, it’s so interesting to see them this season in 2021 and getting to see the Gavin from then interacting with Ty (Chiké Okonkwo) and Sam (Jon Seda).

MACKEN: That was a really nice dynamic shift, getting to be able to do that from a story point of view and also from a character point of view. It’s quite different, so I thought that was cool.

Were there things that you wanted to weave into the 2021 version of Gavin, as a through line? Was there anything you wanted to make sure that version of him had the same as the version we already know?

MACKEN: Yeah. Because I felt like I knew the character really well, at that point, it was quite fun to go back to what it was before. That became an interesting challenge and a reflective moment. It was also fun because you’re so heavily invested in where the character is driving forward, so to be able to go back and take a moment was actually quite fun. Playing him with different experiences was a bit of a challenge, but also really fun. I got a kick out of it.

Why Didn't Eoin Macken Direct an Episode of 'La Brea'?

Had you ever thought about or tried to direct an episode of La Brea?

MACKEN: Yeah, that was something I really wanted to do and I was hoping to do this season. I directed The Night Shift and that was something I wanted to do, but I would only want to direct if it made sense and I could bring something different to it. There was the potential to do that this season, but then the order was shortened. For me, it only makes sense if you can do it in a way that’s beneficial.

Do you know what you’re going to be doing next?

MACKEN: I have a couple projects [coming up], but I don’t think I’m allowed to say anything yet.

La Brea airs on NBC and is available to stream on Peacock. Check out the trailer:

Watch on Peacock
