Hanna Is Arrested Season 5 Episode 22 Recap Hollywood Life

May 2024 · 5 minute read

‘Pretty Little Liars’ Recap: To Plea Or Not To Plea

It was getting to that time for Alison — where she had to decide how she’d go down for Mona’s murder. She could either take a plea by naming Hanna as her accomplice or go to trial. Alison was still on the “I didn’t kill Mona” train and was willing to go to trial. However, she could be face life without parole if convicted. 

Spencer was still in London, hanging out with her sister and the new guy. This guy had done his homework. He brought up Shakespeare and Spencer was swooning. Melissa and Spencer finally had a nice sit down about their relationship. They both hoped they could start over, but there could be no more secrets between them. 

Well, they’re hopeless. Spencer and Melissa’s relationship thrives on lies.

Things weren’t going well for Hanna at all in this episode. The police had evidence against Hanna in regards to Mona’s murder. Tanner believed there was a body in the barrel of acid she found at the storage unit, and that’s where she saw Hanna that one no good, terrible, very bad day. Hence Hanna’s serious freakout.

‘Pretty Little Liars’ Recap: Hello Again

For the first time in what seems like centuries, Ezra showed back up. He went to Mona’s lawyer to ask about the package delivered after Mona’s death. My favorite Rosewood hottie thought the person who paid Neelan to deliver the package was the one who killed Mona.

In more important relationship news, Ezra and Aria finally came face to face after episodes apart. Granted, it could have been just days in PLL time, but don’t hate me because I ship Ezria so much. Ezra admitted that the lawyer didn’t come clean, and they watched him leave in a rush.

A really wanted Alison to name Hanna as her Mona murder accomplice. Someone rummaged through her clean cell and wrote, “Take the plea!”

‘Pretty Little Liars’ Recap: Be Still My Ezria-loving Heart

As Emily, Aria and Ezra went on their quest to find out what Neelan was up to, Aria got a flirty text from Andrew. Unfortunately, Ezra caught a glimpse. They followed Neelan to a private property and Emily got inside. Ezra and Aria decided to search the grounds to see if there was another way in, and this gave them a chance to talk.

Ezra was wondering if Aria was ignoring him. Aria thought it was best they split up, but she was actually talking about the woods. Poor Ezra saw it differently. Meanwhile, Emily watched Neelan grab his gun and money out of a house on the property.

She accidentally knocked over something outside and he came running! Gosh, Emily. BE CAREFUL. She figured out that the house was Varjak’s and that Neelan was working for him. Plus, she found a receipt with Varjak’s number!

Over in London, Spencer was having a fabulous time with Colin. They bonded over their mutual love for Willy S. When they got back to the apartment after a little trip through the rain, they KISSED.

Alison wasn’t doing too good on the inside, and she was rethinking that plea deal. All she really wanted — other than freedom — was a place a little safer than a maximum security prison. Spencer’s mom tried to convince her not to take the deal so she could go to trial. Alison pointed out that no one would believe her if she took the stand.

‘Pretty Little Liars’ Recap: Orange Is The New Black

Things got a million times worse for Hanna. The police issued a warrant for her arrest. She wholeheartedly believed Alison had taken the plea. Caleb took her to the police station so she could talk to Tanner. She was fully ready to come clean about A and show her the scathing text messages she’d been getting all these years. A had other plans. He/she/it deleted ALL OF THE MESSAGES. That b–ch!

Since she had no evidence to back up her claims, Hanna was arrested. Emily and Aria rushed to the station to show them their text messages, but A deleted them, too!

But it wasn’t Alison who landed Hanna in jail. Tanner had come across the clothes Mona was wearing the day she died, and Hanna’s blood was on them. Gulp.

Ezra and Aria knew it was time to decide the fate of their relationship. Aria confessed that she did miss out on a lot because of their relationship, but she didn’t regret her decision. However, she wanted to be single when she went to college. Ezra thought it was best to sever the romance cord now. Aria tried to be greedy and say that she couldn’t imagine her life without him. Ezra, being the best guy in the history of humanity, said that they could still be friends.

Hanna and Alison made serious eye contact at the prison. Both our favorite blondes were now in orange jumpsuits, with no hope of getting out anytime soon. Hanna still believed that Alison had taken the plea, but my girl Alison didn’t throw Hanna under the bus — yet.
HollywoodLifers, do you think any of the other Liars will be arrested? How will Hanna get out? Let us know!

— Avery Thompson
